From video album Requiem for a Dreamer

The Arrogance Of Man

 For The Love of Ray
 Volume 3

A book by Spike   a.k.a  Gilbert  Holderness

The action con­tin­ues in this third vol­ume of my series For the love of Ray. Hap­pi­ly entrenched in the com­fort of their return our friends are forced to ral­ly them­selves against a series of mys­te­ri­ous threats. Thrust upon them from the odd­est of angles, worlds col­lide, dark­ness ascends and death comes to over­shad­ow all that is known. 

Wow, I made it once again. I’m not real­ly sure where this is going but it start­ed out as an alter­nate end­ing to my orig­i­nal work. I hope you enjoyed it though. The ver­dict on this writ­ing thing is still out for me, I don’t real­ly know if I enjoy the whole process. The thrill of not know­ing where the sto­ry will go or end up is what I like the most. Unless you hap­pen to sell some­thing you’re always left won­der­ing if the time spent was worth the effort. Again, I guess that’s up to you.
I feel there’s anoth­er vol­ume or two to be writ­ten in this set. Dark days are ahead with all of it lead­ing up to an ulti­mate clash of good vers­es evil. When and weath­er that hap­pens is beyond me. I’ll take a break and then we’ll see. In the spring I hope to record anoth­er CD, maybe after that. 
I turned fifty­ish dur­ing this process and to my own sur­prise I feel pret­ty fan­tas­tic as an old man. Music, the pas­sion of my youth is still with me and I take that as a true bless­ing. It lifts my soul and still gets my emo­tions going every time.

Life is good peo­ple, cher­ish the ones you love and don’t let any­one tell you that you can’t.

They tell you what you want,

They tell you what you need,

 But you can have it all my friend,

And still not be complete.

Peace and love, by for now: Spike


To Buy your Volume 3 today

Click on the Amazon Link Below.

Buy Vol­ume 3


Papa’s Here — Written and Performed By Gil Holderness


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For the love
Of Ray

A real fantasy
Volume 1
& Volume 2
A book by Spike   a.k.a  Gilbert  Holderness

For the love of Ray- a real fan­ta­sy is the sto­ry of an adven­tur­ous road trip tak­en by a King and his four clos­est friends. Set long ago they must trav­el to save the Queen from a dead­ly ill­ness cast upon her by the evil lord of the mutu­al. A com­ing of age tale it is humor­ous and inci­sive in the depth of their giv­en bond. Beloved char­ac­ters abound in this retelling of a true sto­ry that will cap­ture your imag­i­na­tion and hope­ful­ly leave you want­i­ng more.

To Buy your Copy today 

Click on the Amazon Link Below.

Buy Vol­ume 1

Buy Vol­ume 2

Buy Vol­ume 3


Hi, I would like to intro­duce myself to you. My name is Gil Hold­er­ness and I have been writ­ing songs for the past thir­ty years. Over this time I have been in and out of bands, play­ing on my own and have always had a need to speak my mind with­in the choice of my words. My music if need­ed would strad­dle the lines between Coun­try, Folk and Rock. Some of my favorite song writ­ers are Bob Dylan, Jim Croce, James Tay­lor, John Hiatt, Neil young and of course John Fogerty.

I recent­ly went into the stu­dio and record­ed some new mate­r­i­al live. What you find here is an attempt to show­case my writ­ing tal­ent. This old world is an album of ten songs in their rawest form. Select­ed upon the thread of theme each one was craft­ed with the idea of mak­ing a state­ment to the lis­ten­er; be it about this old world or the price­less gift of love. Going for­ward I plan to release more mate­r­i­al as it is record­ed. I hope that you enjoy what you hear and maybe some­one might wish to record­ed one or two of these and give them the treat­ment they surly deserve.

Words have always been my thing. I’ve writ­ten poet­ry, tons of songs and even two nov­els which I hope to pub­lish one day. I’m in the process of edit­ing my first book at this moment and should have it ready for you all by the end of next year. 

For the love of Ray- a real fan­ta­sy is the sto­ry of an adven­tur­ous road trip tak­en by a King and his four clos­est friends. Set long ago they must trav­el to save the Queen from a dead­ly ill­ness cast upon her by the evil lord of the mutu­al. A com­ing of age tale it is humor­ous and inci­sive in the depth of their giv­en bond. Beloved char­ac­ters abound in this retelling of a true sto­ry that will cap­ture your imag­i­na­tion and hope­ful­ly leave you want­i­ng more.

Thanks for lis­ten­ing. Check back from time to time and I’m sure you’ll find some­thing new.

                                                              Gil (Spike) Holderness

Growin Old — Writ­ten and Pre­formed By Gil Holderness

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